is the Next-Level Prompt Engineering for AI is designed by Alauddin Aladin.
Meet your AI Whisperer: Alauddin Aladin is the Next-Level Prompt Engineering for AI is designed by Alauddin Aladin.
Here’s an overview of Alauddin, by the numbers.
- 4+ years prompting with AI, starting with GPT-2 in 2019
- Full-time GPT researcher since Dec 2022
- 11 years SEO strategy experience from local business, tech/start-ups, leading both technical and creative projects.
- Self-published author in both fiction and non-fictioN
Now, with Next-Level Prompt Engineering with AI, Alauddin reveals the culmination of hundreds of hours of prompting research, including his personal techniques that have never-before been shared with the world.
By leveraging my AI Prompt Engineering background, I can help you generate compelling prompts that bring out the best in AI models like ChatGPT, leading to engaging and informative conversations that meet your specific needs.
Want to contact me?
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6b/9, Aziz Moholla,
Email: mypromptmaster at
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