What is the 4096 token limit in ChatGPT?

When it comes to utilizing ChatGPT, it’s essential to comprehend the significance of the 4096 token limit.

This limit refers to the maximum number of tokens that can be processed by the gpt-35-turbo model, encompassing both the prompt and completion.

What is the 4096 token limit in ChatGPT?

Exceeding this token limit will result in errors and may lead to shorter answers or incomplete responses.

The 4096 Token Limit Overview

The token limit varies depending on the specific model being used. For the gpt-35-turbo model, the token limit stands at 4096 tokens.

Other models, such as gpt-4-32k, have higher limits of 8192 and 32768 tokens, respectively. Understanding the token limit is crucial as it impacts the length and comprehensiveness of the generated responses.

The token limit in ChatGPT varies depending on the model employed. For instance, the gpt-35-turbo model has a token limit of 4096, which encompasses tokens from both the prompt and the completion.

In simpler terms, the total number of tokens in the messages array, combined with the value of the max_tokens parameter, must not exceed 4096.

This limitation ensures that the model remains computationally efficient and capable of generating timely responses.

For other models, such as gpt-4-32k, the token limits are more generous, set at 8192 and 32768, respectively. These models offer extended token capacity, enabling more extensive conversations and richer outputs.

GPT-4 API Limits

As the highly anticipated GPT-4 API becomes available in limited beta, it’s important for users to be familiar with the rate limits associated with this powerful language model.

Rate Limits

Rate limits determine the number of requests and tokens you can use within a given time frame. OpenAI has implemented the following rate limits for the GPT-4 API:

  1. Default Rate Limit: During the limited beta rollout of GPT-4, the default rate limit is set at 40,000 tokens per minute. This means that your API calls cannot exceed this token count in a minute.
  2. Rate Limit Increase: If you require a higher rate limit, you have the option to apply for a rate limit increase. OpenAI allows users to request higher token limits, considering their specific needs.
  3. Message Limit: The GPT-4 API enforces a message limit to control the frequency of API calls. Initially, the message limit is set at 25 messages every 3 hours. However, OpenAI has plans to further reduce this cap in the near future.
  4. ChatGPT Plus Users: Users who subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, available at $20 per month, enjoy a higher rate limit. As of now, ChatGPT Plus users have a rate limit of 100 messages every 4 hours.

It’s important to keep in mind that these rate limits may evolve as OpenAI refines its services. Therefore, regularly referring to the official OpenAI documentation is essential to stay up to date with the latest limits and guidelines.

Token Limits

Tokens play a vital role in interacting with the GPT-4 API, as they represent the individual units of text used by the language model. OpenAI has established the following token limits for GPT-4 and its variant, GPT-4-32k:

  1. GPT-4: The token limit for GPT-4 is set at 8,192 tokens per API call. This limit applies to the combined tokens in both the input messages array and the max_tokens parameter.
  2. GPT-4-32k: For the larger variant, GPT-4-32k, the token limit expands to 32,768 tokens. This extended capacity allows users to process more extensive text inputs.

Message Limits

To prevent abuse and ensure equitable access to the API, OpenAI enforces message limits. Currently, the limit is set at 25 messages every 3 hours.

However, OpenAI has announced plans to introduce a further reduced cap in the near future.

These message limits are in place to ensure fair distribution and prevent excessive usage.

It’s worth noting that the maximum prompt tokens per request can vary depending on the specific model.

Therefore, understanding the token limits associated with your chosen model is crucial to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted interaction with the GPT-4 API.

What is the maximum token limit for GPT-4?

GPT-4 offers different models with varying token limits to cater to different requirements and use cases. Let’s take a closer look at some of the token limits for GPT-4:

ModelToken Limit
GPT-4 Standard8,000
ChatGPT 4 (Plus)4,000
ChatGPT 4 (Default)2,048
ChatGPT 4 (Maximum)4,096

The GPT-4 Standard model offers a token limit of 8,000 tokens. This model strikes a balance between context length and computational resources, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

For more demanding tasks and larger contexts, the GPT-4-32k model comes into play. It provides a significantly higher token limit of 32,768 tokens. This expanded capacity allows for more extensive conversations and the inclusion of lengthy passages of text.

When it comes to ChatGPT 4, the token limits differ based on the subscription type. With a Plus membership (non-API version), the token limit is set at 4,000 tokens, providing ample room for interactive and engaging conversations. The default token limit for ChatGPT is 2,048 tokens, while the maximum can be extended to 4,096 tokens, allowing users to convey more detailed information in their interactions.

What happens if the token limit is exceeded in ChatGPT

When the token limit is surpassed, the consequences are twofold.

Firstly, an error will be triggered, preventing the completion of the conversation.

Secondly, even if the completion is possible, the response may be truncated or cut short due to the limited token space available.

This can lead to incomplete or abrupt answers, potentially hampering the overall conversational flow.

To avoid such issues, it is crucial to carefully design the prompt and consider the token usage. By crafting concise and focused prompts, you can maximize the conversational potential within the given token limits.

Optimizing Prompt Design

To make the most of ChatGPT’s capabilities while staying within the token limit, several strategies can be employed:

1. Be Succinct and Direct

Clearly articulate your query or conversational context in a concise manner. Avoid unnecessary elaboration or repetition, focusing on the essential aspects of the conversation.

2. Prioritize Relevant Information

Include relevant details that are crucial to the conversation’s continuity. Avoid excessive background information or irrelevant tangents that may consume valuable token space.

3. Consider Chat History Carefully

While it is possible to include chat history in the prompt to create stateful conversations, the token limit still applies.

Thus, it becomes important to strike a balance between retaining context and ensuring a sufficient token buffer for the AI’s response.

4. Utilize Alternative Formats

Where appropriate, consider employing tables and lists to convey information more effectively within the token limit.

These formats condense data while maintaining clarity, making efficient use of tokens.


How does the token limit affect the performance of GPT-4

A higher token limit allows GPT-4 to consider longer context, which can improve its ability to generate more coherent and relevant text. A higher token limit can help GPT-4 perform better on a wide range of language tasks.


The token limit in ChatGPT, although necessary for computational reasons, places constraints on the length and depth of conversations.

By understanding and working within these limits, users can harness the power of ChatGPT to engage in meaningful and productive interactions.

Remember to craft concise prompts, prioritize relevant information, and leverage alternative formats when appropriate. By doing so, you can optimize your experience with ChatGPT and unlock its vast conversational potential.

About the author

Meet Alauddin Aladin, an AI enthusiast with over 4 years of experience in the world of AI Prompt Engineering. He embarked on his AI journey in 2019, starting with the impressive GPT-2 model. Since December 2022, he has dedicated himself full-time to researching and unraveling the possibilities of AI Prompt, particularly the groundbreaking GPT models.

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