How To Use ChatGPT To Improve An Essay

Writing an exceptional essay requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective use of available resources.

How To Use ChatGPT To Improve An Essay

I will discuss strategies for brainstorming essay topics, evaluating their suitability, conducting research, and fine-tuning ChatGPT’s output to create unique and engaging essays.

How to use ChatGPT to write a good essay

Table of Contents

Generating Article Ideas

Coming up with compelling topics for your essays can be a challenging task. However, with ChatGPT, you can generate a plethora of article ideas effortlessly.

Simply provide a general subject or keyword, and ChatGPT will generate multiple topic suggestions to inspire you.

Example generated topic ideas:

Topic Idea
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society
Exploring Sustainable Practices in the Fashion Industry
The Benefits and Challenges of Remote Work in the Digital Age

Evaluating Topics and Finding Sources

Once you have a topic in mind, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research to gather relevant information and credible sources. ChatGPT can expedite this process by assisting you in finding reliable sources faster.

Tips for evaluating and finding sources using ChatGPT:

  1. Ask ChatGPT to recommend reputable journals, articles, or books on your topic.
  2. Request specific keywords or key phrases to narrow down your search.
  3. Inquire about authoritative experts in the field who have published relevant work.

Research is a crucial aspect of essay writing, and ChatGPT can expedite the process for you. By inputting your topic into ChatGPT, you can receive relevant information and insights that aid in evaluating your topic’s suitability.

Creating an Outline Using ChatGPT

A well-structured essay lays the foundation for a coherent and logical argument. ChatGPT can assist you in crafting a comprehensive outline that encompasses all the key points you wish to address in your essay.

By providing ChatGPT with an overview of your essay’s structure, you can receive suggestions and recommendations for organizing your ideas effectively.

Sample outline for an essay on “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society”:

  1. Introduction
    • Definition of artificial intelligence (AI)
    • Brief overview of AI’s growth and influence
  2. Positive Impacts of AI
    • Enhancements in various industries (e.g., healthcare, transportation)
    • Automation and increased efficiency
  3. Negative Impacts of AI
    • Job displacement concerns
    • Ethical considerations and privacy issues
  4. Ethical and Policy Recommendations
    • Ensuring responsible AI development
    • Balancing innovation with ethical implications
  5. Conclusion
    • Summary of key points discussed
    • Final thoughts on the future of AI in society

Generating an Attention-Grabbing Title

The title of your essay plays a crucial role in captivating your readers’ attention. Let ChatGPT assist you in generating a compelling and intriguing title that piques curiosity and encourages readers to delve into your essay.

Example generated title:

“Unleashing the Potential: How Artificial Intelligence Reshapes Our World”

Finding Good Keywords

Incorporating relevant keywords in your essay can optimize its visibility and searchability. ChatGPT can suggest effective keywords that resonate with your essay’s topic, ensuring its reach to a broader audience.

Example keywords for an essay on sustainable practices in the fashion industry:

  • Sustainable fashion trends
  • Eco-friendly materials
  • Circular economy in fashion

How to fine-tune the output of ChatGPT for an essay

Essay writing can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a deep understanding of the topic, coherent structuring, and persuasive arguments. AI language models like ChatGPT provide an excellent starting point for generating essay content.

However, fine-tuning the output is crucial to ensure accuracy, flow, and the injection of our unique perspective.

Accessing ChatGPT

To access ChatGPT, you can utilize platforms such as OpenAI or GPT-3. These platforms allow you to interact with the AI model using a user-friendly interface. You can input prompts, receive responses, and fine-tune the generated text according to your needs.

Providing a Prompt

When engaging with ChatGPT, it is essential to provide a well-crafted prompt. The prompt serves as a guide for the AI model and influences the quality of its response. A specific and detailed prompt will yield better results.

Clearly outline the topic, structure, and any specific requirements you have for the essay.

Fine-tuning the Model

After ChatGPT generates a response to your prompt, you have the opportunity to fine-tune the output.

If the generated text is too brief, you can request the model to expand it by typing and submitting “make it longer” or “write it again.”

However, it is crucial to review and make necessary edits to ensure coherence, accuracy, and relevance to the essay topic.

Generating Text

Once you have fine-tuned the model and are satisfied with the output, you can generate the text for your essay. The AI model will provide you with a well-structured and coherent piece of content that can serve as a foundation for your writing.

Editing and Revising

To enhance the quality and integrity of the generated text, it is essential to perform thorough editing and revision.

Copy and paste the text into a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs to make necessary changes. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and overall readability.

Ensure that the essay flows smoothly and conveys your intended message effectively.

Inserting Personalization

While ChatGPT can produce well-written content, injecting your own personality into the essay will make it more engaging and authentic. Here are some tips to personalize your essay:

  1. Incorporate personal anecdotes: Share relevant personal experiences that relate to the essay topic. This adds a human touch and makes your essay more relatable.
  2. Express your opinions: Don’t shy away from expressing your viewpoint on the subject matter. Presenting a unique perspective can make your essay stand out.
  3. Use descriptive language: Paint vivid imagery through descriptive language. Engage the reader’s senses and create a lasting impression.
  4. Add humor: Appropriately incorporate humor where suitable. A well-placed joke or witty remark can make your essay memorable.
  5. Reflect on the topic: Take the time to reflect on the subject matter and share your insights. This showcases critical thinking and depth of understanding.

By incorporating these elements, you will infuse your essay with your own voice, making it compelling and distinct.

Also See: Best Prompts for Academic Writing

What are some effective prompts to use with ChatGPT for essay writing?

When it comes to utilizing ChatGPT for essay writing, crafting effective prompts is crucial. A well-structured and detailed prompt ensures that ChatGPT’s response aligns with your expectations.

Here are some effective prompts to use with ChatGPT for essay writing:

1. Prompt: The Impact of Climate Change

Write a 400-word essay about the impact of climate change, including references.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Causes and mechanisms of climate change
  3. Environmental consequences
    • Rising temperatures and extreme weather events
    • Melting glaciers and rising sea levels
    • Biodiversity loss and ecosystem disruptions
  4. Socio-economic impacts
    • Food and water security challenges
    • Human health risks
    • Economic costs and displacement of communities
  5. Mitigation and adaptation strategies
  6. Conclusion

2. Prompt: Causes of World War One

Write a 4-paragraph essay about the causes of World War One.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Nationalism and imperialism
  3. Alliance systems and military buildup
  4. Trigger event: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  5. Conclusion

3. Prompt: Importance of Regular Exercise for Mental Health

Write an essay on the importance of regular exercise for mental health.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Physical exercise and its impact on mental well-being
  3. Psychological benefits of exercise
    • Stress reduction and mood enhancement
    • Improved cognitive function
    • Boosting self-esteem and body image
  4. Exercise as a complementary treatment for mental health disorders
  5. Conclusion

4. Prompt: Benefits of Remote Work for Companies and Employees

Write an essay on the benefits of remote work for companies and employees.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Advantages for companies
    • Cost savings and increased productivity
    • Access to a global talent pool
    • Enhanced employee satisfaction and retention
  3. Benefits for employees
    • Improved work-life balance
    • Reduced commuting stress and expenses
    • Increased autonomy and flexibility
  4. Challenges and potential solutions
  5. Conclusion

5. Prompt: Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Write an essay on the impact of social media on mental health.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Positive effects of social media on mental health
    • Access to support communities and resources
    • Enhanced social connections and reduced isolation
    • Increased awareness of mental health issues
  3. Negative effects of social media on mental health
    • Cyberbullying and online harassment
    • Social comparison and negative self-perception
    • Addiction and decreased well-being
  4. Strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media
  5. Conclusion

6. Prompt: Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

Write an essay on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Advantages of artificial intelligence
    • Automation of repetitive tasks and increased efficiency
    • Enhanced accuracy and precision
    • Facilitation of complex decision-making
  3. Disadvantages and ethical concerns
    • Job displacement and economic inequality
    • Lack of transparency and accountability
    • Potential bias and privacy issues
  4. Balancing the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence
  5. Conclusion

7. Prompt: Effects of Globalization on Culture

Write an essay on the effects of globalization on culture.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Cultural homogenization and diversity
  3. Transmission of ideas, values, and traditions
  4. Impact on language and communication
  5. Cultural exchange and hybridization
  6. Challenges and tensions in a globalized world
  7. Conclusion

8. Prompt: History and Evolution of the Internet

Write an essay on the history and evolution of the internet.

Essay Structure:

  1. Introduction
  2. Origins of the internet: ARPANET and its development
  3. Key technological advancements
    • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
    • World Wide Web (WWW) and hypertext
    • E-commerce and social networking
  4. Socio-cultural impacts of the internet
    • Communication revolution and globalization
    • Information access and democratization
    • Privacy and cybersecurity concerns
  5. Future prospects and emerging trends
  6. Conclusion

Remember to adapt the essay structures and word counts according to your requirements. These prompts provide a solid foundation for exploring the given topics. Ensure you conduct thorough research and verify the accuracy of the information before including it in your essays.

Structuring an Effective Essay Prompt for ChatGPT

When it comes to structuring an essay prompt for ChatGPT, it’s crucial to provide clear instructions and include all the necessary details.

By following a systematic approach, you can ensure that ChatGPT understands your requirements and generates a well-structured and engaging essay.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to structure an effective essay prompt:

1. Choose a specific and concise topic

Start by selecting a specific and focused topic for your essay prompt. Clearly define the subject matter you want ChatGPT to cover. For example:

Prompt: Write an essay exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market.

2. Provide a clear instruction

Next, provide a clear instruction to guide ChatGPT on what you want it to do. Specify the purpose or objective of the essay. For instance:

Prompt: Write a 700-word essay analyzing the positive and negative effects of artificial intelligence on the job market, and provide recommendations for individuals navigating this changing landscape.

3. Include specific requirements

Include any specific requirements or guidelines for the essay. This can involve word count, formatting, reference materials, or any other essential elements. Here’s an example:

Prompt: Write a well-structured, 4-paragraph essay of approximately 700 words. Include at least three reliable sources, and incorporate headings, subheadings, and bulleted lists to enhance readability.

4. Break down the prompt

To assist ChatGPT in generating a comprehensive response, break down the prompt into smaller parts. This helps guide ChatGPT through the essay structure step-by-step. Here’s an example:


  • Introduction (150 words): Provide a brief overview of artificial intelligence and its growing influence on the job market.
  • Body Paragraphs (2-3 paragraphs, 400 words): Discuss the positive impacts of AI on job creation and efficiency, as well as the potential negative consequences such as job displacement.
  • Conclusion (150 words): Summarize the main points, highlight the importance of proactive adaptation, and offer recommendations for individuals seeking to thrive in the evolving job market.

5. Use straightforward language

Ensure your prompt uses clear and straightforward language. This helps minimize the chances of misinterpretation and confusion. Here’s an example:

Prompt: "Write a well-structured essay of approximately 700 words analyzing the impact of artificial intelligence on the job market. In your essay, discuss the positive and negative effects of AI on job creation, efficiency, and job displacement. Support your arguments with evidence from at least three reliable sources. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points and provides actionable recommendations for individuals adapting to this changing landscape."

Remember to review the generated essay for accuracy and coherence, as ChatGPT may occasionally produce nonsensical or biased content. While ChatGPT can assist in generating content, it’s important to use it as a tool to enhance your work, rather than a substitute for your own understanding and effort.

Example Blog Post: Structuring an Effective Essay Prompt for ChatGPT

# Structuring an Effective Essay Prompt for ChatGPT

When it comes to formulating an essay prompt for ChatGPT, following a structured approach is vital to ensure clear communication and generate a well-organized response. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of structuring an effective essay prompt that enables ChatGPT to generate high-quality essays. Let's dive in!

## 1. Choose a specific and concise topic

To start, it is crucial to select a specific and focused topic for your essay prompt. This

How to Choose a Topic for an Essay Prompt

Choosing a topic for an essay prompt can be a crucial step in the writing process. A well-chosen topic sets the foundation for a compelling and informative essay.

Steps to Choose an Essay Prompt Topic

1. Identify Your Interests

Start by considering your interests and passions. Choosing a topic that genuinely excites you will make the writing process more enjoyable and increase your motivation. Reflect on subjects that capture your attention or relate to your personal experiences. This will help you maintain enthusiasm throughout the essay writing process.

2. Consider the Assignment Requirements

If the essay prompt is part of a class assignment, carefully review the guidelines and requirements provided by your instructor. Pay attention to any specific instructions or restrictions regarding the topic, length, and formatting. Adhering to these guidelines is crucial to ensure your essay meets the assignment criteria.

3. Conduct Preliminary Research

Before finalizing your topic, conduct some preliminary research to ensure that there is enough information available to write a comprehensive essay. Browse through reputable sources such as books, academic journals, and reputable websites to gather an overview of the existing literature on the subject. This step will also help you evaluate the feasibility of your chosen topic.

4. Narrow Down the Topic

Once you have a general idea, it’s important to narrow down your topic to a specific aspect or angle that you want to focus on. This will help you delve deeper into the subject matter and provide a more coherent and focused essay. Consider the scope of your assignment, the available research material, and your own expertise to identify a manageable and engaging subtopic.

5. Create a Clear and Concise Prompt

Now that you have chosen your subtopic, it’s time to create a clear and concise essay prompt. Your prompt should effectively convey the main topic and provide clear instructions to ChatGPT or any other writer about what you expect from the essay. Be specific in your prompt and provide sufficient detail to ensure a comprehensive response.

For example, let’s say you are interested in writing an essay about the impact of social media on mental health. You could narrow down the topic to focus on the positive and negative effects of social media.

Your essay prompt could be:

"Compose a 4-paragraph essay on the impact of social media on mental health. In the introduction, provide a definition of social media and highlight its prevalence in society. In the body paragraphs, discuss both the positive and negative effects of social media on mental health, supported by relevant examples and research. In the conclusion, summarize the main points discussed and provide recommendations for individuals to maintain a healthy relationship with social media."

Remember, when using AI writing tools like ChatGPT, it’s important to proofread and fact-check the generated content. AI models can sometimes produce nonsensical or inaccurate information, so it’s essential to verify the accuracy and coherence of the essay before finalizing it.

Strategies for Brainstorming Essay Topics

Are you facing the daunting task of brainstorming essay topics? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with some effective strategies to unlock your creativity and generate compelling ideas.

By utilizing these techniques, you’ll be well-prepared to engage with ChatGPT or any other writing tool to shape your essay.

1. Brainstorm Ideas

To begin the brainstorming process, take a moment to relax and let your thoughts flow freely. Grab a pen and paper, or open a document on your computer, and start jotting down any ideas that come to mind. Don’t judge or evaluate them at this stage—simply capture everything that pops into your head. Mind maps, lists, or any other preferred brainstorming method can be used to organize your thoughts.

Brainstorming Example
* Technology and its impact on education
* Climate change and its consequences
* The significance of mental health awareness
* Artificial intelligence in everyday life
* The influence of social media on society
* Ethical dilemmas in medical research

2. Consider Your Audience

While brainstorming, it’s crucial to consider your target audience. Think about their interests, age group, and background. By tailoring your topic to appeal to your readers, you can create a more engaging and impactful essay. For instance, if you’re writing for a scientific journal, focus on a research-oriented topic. On the other hand, if your audience is more general, choose a topic that has broad appeal and can be easily understood.

3. Look for Inspiration

Inspiration can come from a wide range of sources. Stay informed about current events by reading news articles, browsing social media platforms, or following relevant blogs. These outlets often provide fresh and trending topics that can spark your interest. Additionally, books, documentaries, podcasts, and conversations with friends or experts in a particular field can provide valuable insights and generate unique ideas.

4. Choose a Unique Angle

To make your essay stand out, strive for a unique angle or perspective on a familiar topic. Consider what makes your approach different from what others have already explored. By providing a fresh perspective or addressing an underexplored aspect of the subject, you can capture your readers’ attention and offer them something new.

5. Consider Your Strengths

Identify your strengths as a writer and choose a topic that allows you to showcase them. Are you skilled at research and analysis? Opt for a topic that requires in-depth investigation. Are you a great storyteller? Select a topic that allows you to incorporate compelling narratives or personal anecdotes. By aligning your topic with your strengths, you can write with confidence and captivate your audience.

6. Refining Your Topic

After brainstorming, review your list of potential topics. Select one that aligns with your interests, has sufficient research material available, and offers ample room for exploration. Refine your topic by formulating a clear and concise prompt that ChatGPT can work with effectively. Ensure that your prompt includes specific details to help ChatGPT understand your requirements and expectations.

Evaluating the Suitability of a Potential Essay Topic

When it comes to writing an essay, choosing the right topic is crucial. The topic sets the foundation for your entire piece, so it’s essential to evaluate its suitability before diving into the writing process.


The first step in evaluating a potential essay topic is to consider its relevance. Take the time to carefully analyze the essay prompt or assignment guidelines. Ensure that your chosen topic directly addresses the main question or objective outlined in the prompt. By staying focused and on-topic, you’ll create a coherent and meaningful essay.


Thorough research is essential to determine if a topic is suitable. Before finalizing your choice, explore the availability of credible sources on the subject matter. Ensure that there is sufficient information and research material to support your arguments and provide a well-rounded understanding of the topic. Verify the credibility and reliability of your sources, paying attention to their publication dates to ensure the information is up-to-date.


Writing an essay becomes much more enjoyable when you are genuinely interested in the topic. Consider your personal passions and areas of curiosity. Choosing a subject that captivates you will not only make the writing process more engaging, but it will also help you convey your enthusiasm to the reader. Your genuine interest will shine through in your writing, making it more compelling.


A clear and concise topic is essential for effective essay writing. Avoid vague or overly broad subjects that may lead to a lack of focus or difficulty in narrowing down your arguments. Instead, strive for a topic that is specific and well-defined. This will enable you to delve deep into the subject matter and provide a thorough analysis within the confines of your essay.


While some topics may be commonly discussed, it’s crucial to find a unique angle or perspective to make your essay stand out. Look for an innovative approach or explore an aspect of the topic that hasn’t been extensively covered. By presenting fresh ideas and providing a new take on the subject, you can engage your readers and make your essay more memorable.


Consider the feasibility of your chosen topic within the given constraints, such as the time frame and word count. Ensure that the topic is manageable and can be adequately addressed within the allotted time. Avoid selecting topics that are too broad or complex, as they may lead to an overwhelming amount of information to cover effectively.

By evaluating the suitability of a potential essay topic using these strategies, you can ensure that you are well-prepared to generate a high-quality piece of writing.

Here is the video guide to write an essay with ChatGPT:


Incorporating ChatGPT into your essay writing process can significantly improve your writing skills and help you craft compelling, well-structured essays. From generating ideas to enhancing vocabulary and improving clarity, ChatGPT serves as a valuable AI assistant throughout the entire writing journey.


Can ChatGPT write an entire essay for me?

ChatGPT can provide suggestions, ideas, and improvements for your essay, but it’s important to remember that the final essay should be your own work. Use ChatGPT as a tool to enhance your writing, not as a substitute for your own efforts.

Can ChatGPT help with citations and references?

ChatGPT can provide suggestions for citations and references, but it’s crucial to verify and cross-check them with reliable academic sources. Ensure that you adhere to the specific citation style required by your institution or instructor.

About the author

Meet Alauddin Aladin, an AI enthusiast with over 4 years of experience in the world of AI Prompt Engineering. He embarked on his AI journey in 2019, starting with the impressive GPT-2 model. Since December 2022, he has dedicated himself full-time to researching and unraveling the possibilities of AI Prompt, particularly the groundbreaking GPT models.

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