5 Powerful AI Prompt Structures and Their Best Use Cases

There are 6357 AI tools in the market right now. 80% of tools are built on these 5 prompt structures. I am sharing all of them with you.

So let’s embark on this journey of discovery!

1. RTF: Role, Task, Format

The RTF (Role, Task, Format) prompt structure is akin to a recipe that directs AI on what to do and how to do it. It encourages creative expression while maintaining a structured approach.

Best Use Cases:

  • Role-playing scenarios: Bring fictional characters to life and explore their personalities in diverse settings.
  • Creative writing: Unleash your imagination and craft captivating stories, poems, and dialogues.
  • Instructional tasks: Create step-by-step guides and tutorials that are easy for readers to follow.


Role: You're a tour guide.
Task: Describe the Grand Canyon.
Format: Write it as a paragraph like you're talking to tourists.

2. CTF: Context, Task, Format

The CTF (Context, Task, Format) prompt structure places AI in the role of an actor given a specific scene to perform. It adds depth and realism to generated content.

Best Use Cases:

  • Situational prompts: Create content with a specific context to address real-world scenarios.
  • Descriptive writing: Evoke vivid imagery and engage readers with compelling descriptions.
  • Scenario-based tasks: Generate responses based on dynamic situations and variables.


Context: You're an astronaut exploring an alien planet. 
Task: Describe the landscape and its peculiar flora and fauna. 
Format: Write it as a detailed journal entry documenting your discoveries.

3. TREF: Task, Requirement, Expectation, Format

The TREF (Task, Requirement, Expectation, Format) prompt structure is reminiscent of a project assignment, enabling AI to meet specific guidelines and expectations.

Best Use Cases:

  • Assignments: Generate content aligned with academic requirements and guidelines.
  • Project tasks: Use AI to contribute to various project stages with precise instructions.
  • Specific requirements: Obtain targeted content that adheres to defined criteria.


Task: Write a blog post on renewable energy sources. 
Requirement: Include statistics from reputable sources. 
Expectation: An informative and well-researched article. 
Format: Organize the post with an introduction, subheadings, and a conclusion.

4. GRADE: Goal, Request, Action, Detail, Examples

The GRADE (Goal, Request, Action, Detail, Examples) prompt structure acts as a roadmap to guide AI towards accomplishing specific objectives.

Best Use Cases:

  • Goal setting: Direct AI to provide content that aligns with your desired outcomes.
  • Action planning: Utilize AI to outline actionable steps and strategies.
  • Detailed tasks: Obtain content with a thorough breakdown of information.


Goal: To create a persuasive advertisement for a new product. 
Request: Write compelling copy for the ad. 
Action: Highlight the product's unique features and benefits. 
Detail: Use emotional language and storytelling techniques to captivate the audience. 
Examples: Include testimonials from satisfied customers and before-and-after visuals.

5. PECRA: Purpose, Expectation, Context, Request, Action

The PECRA (Purpose, Expectation, Context, Request, Action) prompt structure acts as a mission briefing, guiding AI to produce content with a clear direction and purpose.

Best Use Cases:

  • Goal-oriented tasks: Leverage AI to meet specific objectives and goals effectively.
  • Project planning: Use AI to create well-structured project outlines and proposals.
  • Mission briefings: Obtain content with precise and targeted information.


Purpose: To craft a winning business proposal. 
Expectation: A comprehensive plan to expand the company's market share. Context: You're a marketing consultant addressing the company's board members. Request: Provide a detailed strategy to reach new demographics. 
Action: Include market research, competitor analysis, and targeted marketing campaigns.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, these five AI prompt structures are powerful tools that can unlock the potential of AI for various writing and creative tasks. By utilizing these structures effectively, you can tap into the vast reservoir of AI capabilities and generate unique and engaging content for your projects. So, embrace the power of AI prompts and take your creativity to new heights!

About the author

Meet Alauddin Aladin, an AI enthusiast with over 4 years of experience in the world of AI Prompt Engineering. He embarked on his AI journey in 2019, starting with the impressive GPT-2 model. Since December 2022, he has dedicated himself full-time to researching and unraveling the possibilities of AI Prompt, particularly the groundbreaking GPT models.

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